We are so proud to publish this post... I have been personally waiting to talk about this marvelous scandinavian clothing label. But now that we've got such marvelous photos, we can deliver it to you!
HALDIN is a label run by a very talented couple living currently in the center of Helsinki!
The Finnish designer and her partner Jonas, from Sweden, carefully care for all the creation and production of every single peace, making it all more special for it's uniqueness! The materials used don't fall behind it's looks, all fabrics are 100% natural fibers, like wool, silk and finest quality cotton!
I just love the way the mix and match such fine fabric and, otherwise quite traditional shapes, with ultra modern, contemporaneous prints and a sharp, strong, fearless color palette.They have also recently added smart accessories to their collection, like the bow ties, ties, belts and these great wooden pins who is the work of the designer's father, a skillful craftsman from central Finland.
The pins are carved and then hand-painted at the designer's atelier.
I truly hope you are all ready to drop a few coins and go make your wardrobe looks a lot more fun!
All the best to the wonderful couple behind Haldin!
Keep it warm and nice!
P.s.: All photos by Roosa Salminen.